Thursday, May 14, 2009

a day spent with nabilah :)

hey guys! lols... blog going to be dead! lols
hahahah, finally, phew~ am i glad to be freed from exams, and hectic schedule. hahaha left with english paper 2 and art. x)

today had a great time spent with nabilah. hahahah we laughed almost every sec of every min.geddit? LOLS it's very long since we spend time together. i'm sooooooooo glad with hang-ed out with each other. We had been missing each other out, lols. talked, laughed, gossip laughed, chatted, laughed. LOLS giggling away like we just had sucked in LAUGHING GAS. hahahahahaha.
hahahaha but mostly she talked and mummbled away bout her fiance and husband -____-
her EXs LOL.

you all would be surprise to knw who they are. LOL. -___- just typical her.
hahahhahaha, and i really appreaciate our 8 years of friendship. haahahaha
i still remebered the time when she pulled my trousers down, good thing my shirt was big enough not to reveal my underwear color. LOLS. hahaha i still laughed bout it till now.-___-
hahahaha we learnt to talked backwards. and she threw ball right on my head. here the scene of it.
nabilah(bouncing the ball): syaz catch the ball (out of sudden)
me: HUH? what? (and the ball landed right on my head -____-)
and she laughed her ass off, not much helppppppp -___-

hahahahahah that's all. tired and want to have a gooooooodddd SLEEP.


1 comment:

  1. it's not bloody pink you arse.maybe i should throw another ball at your head. and you're just beside me. ohohoh, im first in your links! ((:
