Saturday, May 9, 2009

This is to my mum, mama, zahariah alang mohd.
i want to post this especially for her.
i'm proud to be your daughter, to have a strong, independent, beautiful mother.
though sometimes, you might be so irritating. where you always press on me. but what to do?
you are like that. hahaha
but whatever it is.
i've gone through what you have gone through ma. it's been haunting me, but i take it is fate, fate for me to be a better person, and hopefully, to take care of you, to make you happy.(i cant promise now, cause you knw urself, that, the future cant be predicted)
i knw, i'm not a good daughter to you, i've been always giving you problems. i faught with ''you knw who'' A LOT OF PPL. Ran away from home over a small thing. i've been giving you so much trouble. i'm a headache to you. But now, i've grown more mature as i realized that, i was being an idiot. But sometimes, you need to understand. I don't knw how to express myself/or sometimes i express so much of myself lols. I don't knw how to show myself. Easy to be said that, i'm like a living rock. i cant do things correctly. but i knw deep inside me, it wasn't intentionally.
The past. It's still etch on my mind. Where the hard and good times with you and ayah(dad). But over that time, i've grown stronger. Stronger to knw what's wrong and right. stronger to face the Reality. stronger to making sure that i wont go back into the past. Sometimes, i do wonder why do you have to face all this. what have you done? when is it going to be over? and while i asked myself that. I cried. I want my mama to live a good life. So i prayed to Allah(god) wanting you and erin(my younger sis) to lead a good life in malaysia.
Now, i'm in singapore, and you're in malaysia. i chose to stay here. to have my education here, and i will study hard. so in the future, i will be able to take care of you and erin.
Ma, i knw tht i am a bad daughter. I KNW THAT. i wont be the daughter you can proudly tell your friends.I also knw that even some of your friends/ family members looked down on me. BUT i dont care, because they dunnoe anything. They only see on the outside. because i knw, you knw me best. deep inside you, you dun think what they think of me.
They can say everything bad about me. About you. But you knw what ma? why they even care? it's our life not theirs. Sometimes i do feel sad that they only see the bad side of me. But again ma, I DONT GIVE A DAMN. so you should not give a care bout them too. =)
i've grown stronger to face it. i'm not weak anymore. and i won't waste my tears over them. because they are just wasting of time.
Ma, i cant express anything to you, because i dont knw how to. but it doesnt mean i dun love you. it's just, the word love is hard for me to say it out loud. Eventhough how much i missed you, i cant express it, because i don't know how. BECAUSE I'M A LIVING ROCK. lol.
Ma, i'm sorry for what i've done, and to that,
it's easier for me to write than to say it. because ma, seriously, I DON'T KNW HOW.HAHA.
mama, you are amazing, intelligent, independent and beautiful both on the outside and inside.
i'm sorry i cant provide anything for you. but i hope this is enough for you. because it's from the bottom of my heart.
and lastly
from ur stubborn and heartless daughter,
Syazreen Aida Bte (i dun want to post that name on my blog) hahahaha.

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