Tuesday, April 21, 2009

medical certificate

i cant go to school cause i have 2 days of MC. WA LAO.

I had my asthma attack like 3am??? or since yesterday i dunnoe. lols. serious sia, i cant sleep, my chest was burning in pain. Vormit at bout 4am?? vomitted, not all the phelgm came out. feel bit better after i vomitted. finally can sleep like 2 hours before the asthma attack came again.
-___- so sian. slept in the hall, on the sofa, outside had better ventilation. so yeah. ain mum woke up to give me medicine, need to take this 10 tiny pills, brown in color. had that, felt bit better,for my cough la, not asthma. -___- i lost my iNHALER actually. hehhehe. lols
i didn't expect that i would have my asthma attack, because the symtoms of having asthma would be cough then followed by flu. Not thiis time, it was sore throat-fever-flu then asthma.
-__-'' haiz~ so yeah didn't expected it.

At 8am, ain's mum, brought me to the doctor. waited for 10min before the doctor came. i was the second patient.
see the doctor, then she said that, my asthma was quite critical so she had to give me NABULIZASTON it's like a mask thing, some kind of oxygen, need to breathe it in through my lungs, so that one of my lungs vessel, the one that has to take in oxygen(in simple saying, for me to breathe) so yeah, it took 15min before the medicine run out, the one that i had to breathe it in. For asthma patient would knw what is it. =)
knw what the doctor say??
Doctor: if you come to my clinic you have to tell my nurse that you having asthma, so that i would allow you jump queue. you don't just keep quiet, and bear the pain.
Me: ok(cant talk much because i dont have much oxygen left LOL)
Doctor: so okay syazreen, next time, dun be stubborn, you need to inform ur parents that you're sick, you cannt keep quiet.
Doctor(talking to ain's mum): So next time if ur daughter, have difficulty in breathing or having flu, fever quickly ask her to take a pump(the inhaler thing). if it doesn't work, bring her to a clinic or A&E(which means hospital, i hate hospital lol)
Doctor(talking to me now): So next time, syazreen dun just keep quiet, inform ur parents ok?
I just nod.

after i'd taken the nabulization, the doctor tell me bout the medicinnes she gonna give me.
Anti biotics pills
Asthma pills
Flu pills
phlegm pills
Asthma+dunnoe what pills
Cough syrup
Inhaler. -____-

the doctor says i have to bring my inhaler every where, in case of any emergency(which means if i suddenly have asthma attack)
i just nod again. lol nothing to say mah. hahahahhaha
she asked me whether i need MC, i just said for today only.
you knw what she said??
''no you have to have a good rest, so i'll give 2 days of MC. -________-'' waa lao wei~
so i just nod. again. lol. hahahahha
after i'd taken the NABULIZATION. my legs/hands/whole body, become jelly. i was shaking. lol. i kinda feel a bit dizzy. the world was spinning. hahahahaahah like high on drugs sia. hahahhaha
yeah went back, ate my breakfast, eat medicine, slept. FINALLY! lols!
woke up, still shaking, bathe, ate, thenn medicine again. lols
serious, the pills making me sleepy sia. so i took nap. 1/2 hour only.
then now, still shaking, my fingers are shaking while i type right now. lol hahahah
i took my medicine just now. lols. now making me sleepy -____-''


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