Friday, August 14, 2009


ok let's talk about love today. since my blog is damn boring, i shall talk bout this today.

LOVE, is a very complicated thing. There is family love, friend's love, and most importantly a girl and boy LOVE. well, that, to me, doesnt exist. (no offence for those are against what i'm saying now) It's not i dont want to be hurt or anything, and i do get hurt (badly) by this kind of LOVE before, many times. And to me, it doesnt exist. for my generations, there is no single marriage that is successful. My aunties and uncles are divorced, my parents, EVEN MY GRANDMOTHER AND MY LATE GRANDFATHER! hahahahahaha. So there's no perfect example for me to take as an example! YOU CANT BLAME ME! hahahahahaha LOLS.

BUT, hahah there's always a but, i do have FAITH in LOVE. to fall in love, to be loved. I do trust it. But, it's hard for me to BELIEVE IN IT. To knw it's presence. I dun believe in that. BUT, i do believe in FATE. fate is everything, you leave everthing to fate, your destiny,my destiny.

today, i totally misjudge somebody, i thought he was like any other guy, but the fact is, he got cheated by his ex. HAHA. I thought only guys do that to girls? AND it's my first time of hearing this. i dun understand, why do some girls do that? i mean, what goes around comes around. dun u knw it? haiz. i do understand that some girls, they do that, because they want revenge, because they had been hurt badly by some other guy in the past. BUT THAT'S THE PAST! not every guy is the same. take me for example. hahaha. 99% out of 100%, of my ex cheated on me. But, i dun take it to heart, and want revenge. Because i knw, in the future, that guy will get his retribution. KARMA. always believe in this. Maybe in the future, there is a guy who will change my principles of love? haha idk, but i do have faith in love, i hope i will start to believe in it, but not now, because nothing like ''fall in love'' thingy did happened to me. and i hope, there's good guys more than bad ones. HAHA. i'll just leave it to fate.

THAT'S ALL =D hahahah

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